My desktop backup solution
I was inspired by a good blogpost by Martin Pitt to setup my own desktop backup solution. I liked the idea of not requiring the computer to be on all the time, and having the backup pushed from the client rather than pulled from the server. However, my needs were slightly different from his, so I adapted it.
His solution uses rsnapshot locally, then pushes the resulting directories to a remote server. I didn't want to use local disk space (SSD ain't cheap), but I had a local server with 2Tb available. So in my solution, the client rsyncs to the server, then the server triggers rsnapshot locally if the rsync was successful. This is done over SSH and the server has no right whatsoever on the client.
In the examples the client to back up will be called mycli and the server on which the backup will live is named mysrv. As a prerequisite, mycli will need rsync and openssh-client installed. mysrv will need rsnapshot and openssh-server installed. OpenSSH needs to have public-key authentication enabled.
SSH setup
On the client side, generate a specific passwordless SSH key for the backup connection:
mkdir ~/.backup
ssh-keygen -f ~/.backup/id_backup
On the server side, we'll assume you want to put backups into /srv/backup. First of all, create an rbackup user that will be used to run the backup serverside:
sudo mkdir /srv/backup
sudo adduser --home /srv/backup --no-create-home --disabled-password rbackup
Next, add your backup public key (the contents of mycli:\~/ .backup/ to mysrv:/srv/backup/.ssh/authorized_keys. The trick is to prefix it (same line, one space separator) with the only command you want the rbackup user to perform via that SSH connection:
command="rsync --config /srv/backup/rsyncd-mycli.conf --server
--daemon ." ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaLwm0ckRdzotb3...5Mbiw== ttx@mycli
Finally, you need to let rbackup read those .ssh files:
sudo chgrp -R rbackup /srv/backup/.ssh
sudo chmod -R g+r /srv/backup/.ssh
rsync setup (server-side)
Now we need to set up the rsync configuration that will be used on those connections:
# /srv/backup/rsyncd-mycli.conf
max connections = 1
lock file = /srv/backup/mycli/rsync.lock
log file = /srv/backup/mycli/rsync.log
use chroot = false
max verbosity = 3
read only = false
write only = true
path = /srv/backup/mycli/incoming
post-xfer exec = /srv/backup/kick-rsnapshot /srv/backup/mycli/rsnapshot.conf
The post-xfer exec command is executed on successful transfers to /srv/backup/client/incoming. In our case, we want rsync to trigger the /srv/backup/kick-rsnapshot script:
1 2 3 4 |
Don't forget to make that one executable :)
rsnapshot setup (server-side)
rsnapshot itself is configured in the /srv/backup/mycli/rsnapshot.conf file. This is where you specify how many pseudo-weekly copies you want to keep (read rsnapshot documentation to understand the interval concept):
# /srv/backup/mycli/rsnapshot.conf
config_version 1.2
snapshot_root /srv/backup/mycli
cmd_rm /bin/rm
cmd_rsync /usr/bin/rsync
cmd_logger /usr/bin/logger
interval daily 6
interval weekly 6
verbose 2
loglevel 3
lockfile /srv/backup/mycli/
rsync_long_args --delete --numeric-ids --delete-excluded
link_dest 1
backup /srv/backup/mycli/incoming/ ./
Now you just have to create the backup directory hierarchy with appropriate permissions:
mkdir -p /srv/backup/mycli/incoming
chown -R rbackup:rbackup /srv/backup/mycli
The backup (client-side)
The client will rsync periodically to the server, using the following script:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
That script ensures that at most once per day, you will sync to the server. You can run it (as your user) as often as you'd like (I suggest hourly via cron). On successful syncs, the server will trigger rsnapshot to do its magic backup rotation ! Using the same model, you can easily set up multiple directories or multiple clients.
Like with Martin's solution, you should set up various .rsync-filter files to exclude the directories and files you don't want copied to the backup server.
The drawback of this approach is that the server keeps an extra copy of your backup (in the incoming directory). But in my case, since the server has plenty of space, I can afford it. It also does not work when you are away from your backup server.
I hope you find that setup useful, it served me well so far.