GPG key transition

I've recently set up a stronger (4096R) OpenPGP key, and will be transitioning away from my old (1024D) one. The old key will continue to be valid for some time, but i prefer all future correspondence to come to the new one. I would also like this new key to be re-integrated into the web of trust. Please find here a statement signed both keys, certifying the transition.

The old key was:

pub   1024D/B6A55F4F 2004-04-01
      Key fingerprint = 67FE 2899 7E9D 9D03 F1E7  C8BB BDC2 F5A1 B6A5 5F4F

And the new key is:

pub   4096R/25B10423 2010-05-25
      Key fingerprint = 22A7 9430 50DB 1E67 EC2B  641A 507A F890 25B1 0423

To fetch my new key from a public key server, you can simply do:

  gpg --keyserver --recv-key 25B10423

If you already know my old key, you can now verify that the new key is signed by the old one:

  gpg --check-sigs 25B10423

If you don't already know my old key, or you just want to be double extra paranoid, you can check the fingerprint against the one above:

  gpg --fingerprint 25B10423

If you are satisfied that you've got the right key, and the UIDs match what you expect, I'd appreciate it if you would sign my key:

  gpg --sign-key 25B10423

Lastly, if you could upload these signatures, I would appreciate it. You can either send me an e-mail with the new signatures or you can just upload the signatures to a public keyserver directly:

  gpg --keyserver --send-key 25B10423

Thanks !

GTD with RTM

Following my colleague and friend Mathias's advice, I've been using GTD (Getting Things Done) to keep myself organized for some time now. A recurrent question is "what software are you using ?". I tried several programs, but nothing could quite fit my system and decentralized use.

Lots of folks are now pushing GTG (Getting Things Gnome). While I see a lot of potential in GTG, it's still a task manager (everything is a task) rather than a flexible list manager. GTD uses lists of things that are specifically not tasks (the inbox, the maybe lists, the project list...).

Mathias recommended using Remember the Milk (RTM), a highly flexible web service with lots of APIs (and more). I originally set up something along the lines of this reference post, but it failed for me in several areas:

  • Parsing Inbox was painful (no shortcut key to move tasks to other lists)
  • No "tickler file" approach allowing you to forget about an item for some time
  • My projects are using work items in Ubuntu blueprints, keeping them in sync was also painful

So I changed it, here is my new setup:

  • New items are created in the "Inbox", without tags.
  • A @ToProcess smartlist, using "list:Inbox and (isTagged:false or (tag:hide and dueBefore:tomorrow))", contains the stuff I need to parse during next Process phase
  • Process phase: for each item in @ToProcess:
    • If it's actionable and takes less than 2 minutes, do it, mark it as completed (\<c> shortcut)
    • If it's actionable but needs more time, use \<s> shortcut to tag it with appropriate context ("me" if only me is required)
    • If you don't want to process it now, but want to file it in your tickler file for it to reappear in two weeks: use \<d> "two weeks" to set a Due Date, then use \<s> and tag it "hide"
    • Delegate tasks by using \<s> and tag it "wait" + some context of who you're delegating to
    • As soon as it's tagged, the item disappears from the @ToProcess list, which is good !
    • If it needs to go to one of the Maybe lists, move it there
  • My @NextActions smartlist uses "isTagged:true and not (tag:wait or tag:hide)"
  • My @WaitingFor smartlist just uses "tag:wait"

I don't maintain anymore "one list per project", which was painful to me. I just use a "Projects" list that is a regular GTD Projects list I use during weekly reviews. I use multiple "Maybe" lists (one for ideas needing incubating, one for technologies to look at, one for blog article ideas, etc.).

A few remarks:

  • I use Google Calendar for actions occurring at a specific time
  • I use the priority shortcuts to give a sense of urgency that helps me quickly pick the right next action from the @NextActions list
  • I use context tags for everyone: for example, I mark "jib" all tasks that require jib to be completed. When I talk to that person, I use the RTM tag cloud to quickly bring up a "tag:jib" search to get a list of all subjects I need him for, but also a reminder of tasks I delegated to him.
  • I try to have my inbox at hand all the time, to be able to quickly drop there a quick idea that crosses my mind. I use RTM google calendar plugin, RTM netvibes module and also coded a "rtm" tool using their python API, for direct use when I'm hacking in a terminal. All create items in the default list (Inbox) and without tagging, so it just works.
  • I also use an ActivityReport smartlist (completedWithin:"1 week of today")

Hope it helps :)

On burnout and technical management

Jono posted recently the slidedeck for his famous 12 stages of burnout presentation. I highly recommend this presentation, especially to technical teams working from home.

I think we are especially vulnerable to burnout, with limited social interactions and sporadic discussions with our peers and managers. It's quite easy to fall into the trap of the first two stages, trying to prove yourself and work harder. And from there we are vulnerable to falling into the spiral of the next ten stages.

This highlights one important role of managers of technical teams: to protect ourselves from this outcome. You shouldn't have to prove yourself if your manager makes you confident you're in the right place and you earned your position. You shouldn't have to work harder if your work output is closely monitored and realistic goals have been set for you.

Technical managers have lots of duties. They must build their team, define objectives, ensure that goals are reached, protect their team from vertical and horizontal organizational hazards... But keeping their team in shape is one of their most important duties, and detecting and avoiding burnout in their team is an important part of it.

Your family and your peers can watch your back and help you recover from it. But a good manager should save you from it.

Distributions, or why Universe matters

Most of us know what makes open source software better than their proprietary counterparts. However I would like to stress one purely technical advantage of Linux distributions when compared to their proprietary alternatives.

It's the concept of distribution. Making software for your platform available from a central repository, with installation, upgrades, security updates and removals all done by the same set integrated tools and processes.

Having been forced to use Windows professionally in the last years, I have been reminded of how great that is. Long-time distro users tend to forget. The whole process of hunting down software, selecting something that is less likely to contain spyware, downloading, installing... it's so complex and boring. And then, you have to follow each product security advisories to try to stay up-to-date security-wise. And then, all those separate auto-update services run in the background. And then, when you try to remove the product with its specific uninstaller, you realize there is not so much incentive for software publishers to allow you to completely get rid of them.

So distributions, by making selected software simply available and upgradeable, are invaluable. The corollary is that you need to have enough software available through your distribution that people don't have to manually install stuff, otherwise you're back at step one. I remember switching from the old RedHat to another distro because I wanted exim and they forced you to run... sendmail.

That brings us to my second point: why Ubuntu Universe matters so much. A distribution is a lot less interesting if you can't find what you're looking for it its repositories. Thanks to its strong Debian roots, Ubuntu inherits from the largest package base. But we also need to ensure that those packages are working properly, are easy to deploy and integrate well with the rest of the distro.

Having recently been accepted as a MOTU, I'm proud to contribute wherever I can to this goal. The package wealth is the core strength of a distribution, and this is why taking care of the Universe matters so much.